A variety of retail products for everyone and for all occasions – from the latest in fashionable clothing and accessories, to educational reading materials and health products for the body’s vitality… and so much more

We provide a resounding graphic & web design service, with well experienced staff, who can create the sound and visual magic of your desire, utilising the best of software equipment – we listen and work closely with you, so that you can gain the best expereince

We provide a resounding print & design service, with well experienced staff, who can create the sound and visual magic of your desire, utilising the best of software equipment – we listen and work closely with you, so that you can gain the best experience.

Image of recording studio

We provide a recording studio, where you can be in a comfortable and supporting environment to; create, arrange, compose and record your own music material, with the aid of the best recording equipment, software and musical instruments:


Minimum booking 2 hours, full day 8 hours. Inclusive of in-house engineer:

2 hours (£35 an hour)
3 – 4 hours (£25 an hour)
5 – 8 hours (£20 an hour)

  • Session musicians, producers, vocalists are also available at extra costs as required.
  • Mixing and Mastering also available as a separate service.
  • Deposits secure booking.
  • Cancellations must be at least 24 hours prior to booking or subjected to penalties.

Image of space to hire at Nashat downstairs

We provide space hire for users to carry out and conduct; lectures, workshops, projects and periodical programmes and much more – all with the peripheral aid of: computers, large white board, OHP and sound accommodating equipment

image of computers at nashat

We provide user friendly internet cafe services plus wifi accessibility, with hands-on assistance for whenever you may need help. We also have printing, faxing, photo-copying and scanning facilities

We help new businesses get access to funding