
In this issue PAA TARAQ: ‘The Age Of Adamites Pasts’, Dr Malachi Z K York, also known as Paa Nabab Yaanuwn, teaches that before the biblical and koranic so-called first man, named Adam, there was all manner of life way before, including that of human beings. The Abrahamic religious books and its created dogma has lasted for so long, that it is very difficult for many of the world’s mass of people to perceive that life was already here, before the biblical and koranic first man; Adam.

It is from the ancient accounts of Africa and later mesopotamia, from time immemorial, that the true stories of existence of how and why things and beings came to be; lived, built, created and survived.

Accounts of earthlings and beings from the stars, resided here on the surface of the planet and in the seas, and still do to this very day.


A must read.