Alfalfa Uses: Menopause, Osteoporosis, Cholesterol, Candida/Yeast, Cancer Prevention, Female Hormones, Longevity, Tonic, Nutrition, Chronic Ulcers, Infection in Sinus, Nose, Throat, Ears. Back Aches, Dyspepsia, Arthritis, Kidney Disorder, Prostate Disorder, Bladder Disorder, Repair radiotherapy damage, High Blood Pressure
Properties: Anti-inflammatory, Anti-oxidient, Anti-cholesterol, Diuretic, Depurative, Emmenagogue, Galactagogue, Anodyne, Vitamin C,E,K,D,A, Copper, Carotene, Zinc, Fiber, Protein
Parts Used: Unopened flowers, Dried leaves, stems
Preparation: 1 Heaped Teaspoon to 1 cup of boiling water, infuse for 15 minutes. Dose- Half 1 cup x 3 daily. Can be eaten as fresh raw sprouts ( Thoroughly washed to remove mould) Powder/Capsules- 250mg x 3 daily.
Side Effect: If you have Lupus or are in remission, you shouldn’t consume Alfalfa seeds. Alfalfa seeds should never be eaten unless sprouted, they contain high level of the tonic amino acid canavanine.