Parsley uses: Liver, Digestion, Gout, Longevity, Tonic, Nutrition, Bladder Disorder, Colic, PMT, Menopausal Hot Flushes, Hair, Skin, and Nails

Properties: Anti-Microbial, Anti-Rheumatic, Laxative, Uterine tonic, Gastric Tonic, Carminative

Parts Used: Dried Root, Leaves, and Seeds. The seeds contains apiol, a source of Carotene, Vitamins C,E, Bioflavonoids, Folic Acid, and Iron

Preparations: Tea- Fresh or Dried. 1 heaped teaspoon to each cup of water, drew for 5 mins. Dose 1 cup x3 times a day. Juice it from fresh, Use in cooking and eaten raw

Side Effect: Concentrated extract should be avoided by those with Kidney Inflammation. Do not use in medical doses if you are pregnant, it can stimulate the uterus