Dr. Malachi Z. York has roared like a lion for more than five decades for all people to wake up and look beyond the headlines. Black people or African people are united by genetics and physical characteristics regardless of what we choose to call ourselves or the religious beliefs we decide to cling to. Dr. Malachi Z. York has explained how Africa has been divided up by foreign aggressors and Africans have also been divided amongst each other for generations, losing history, culture and knowledge of self, making them vulnerable to oppression, poverty, political and economic manipulation. Dr. Malachi Z. York has shown and proved that many groups of people outside of Africa are descendants of Africans but have forgotten or choose to deny this fact.  African progenies are scattered throughout Brazil to Puerto Rico, to Australia to America’s own native tribes, continuing on through all continents. Seeing how much we have in common outweighs our differences and will be a catalyst for us to work together for our collective benefit.

Dr. Malachi Z. York, since the 1970’s and 1980’s has spoken passionately about the beautiful people of Africa who have been plagued by famine, disease and civil wars whilst those countries with the biggest economies of the world have continued to exploit and drain their natural wealth and resources. Dr. Malachi Z. York has taught that Africans are a rich people born on the largest, richest continent, containing some of the most sought after minerals and resources. Like; diamond, gold, oil, copper and platinum group metals. Over the years Dr. Malachi Z. York has remained a constant voice of inspiration and motivation. A Lion Roars from the wilderness for African peoples worldwide to come to a realisation of self. Urging us to understand and activate our potential and heal the world as we heal ourselves.

Dr. Malachi Z. York’s philanthropic works, his business acumen and sheer tenacity to reach people around the world through his positive, empowering teachings and writings unfortunately made him a target for nefarious forces who are threatened by his message. Dr. Malachi Z. York’s  current predicament forces one to reflect upon the plight of so many of our people, our celebrities, musicians, actors, civil rights activists and leaders in our own lifetime who have suffered from some form of character assasination. There is an orchestrated and so far, successful agenda to keep melanated people of African descent oppressed, depressed and divided. It is time to come to the realisation that in order to survive and thrive, we must first, unify mentally and then stand together as one. Together we can achieve anything.

Dr. Malachi Z. York’s case is so significant it could unravel the whole US justice system. Arrested May 8th 2002, spending 12 of his 19 years imprisoned in Solitary Confinement, under a misnomer, as Dwight D. York (B.O.P. Reg.: #17911-054) at the Bureau of Prisons USP Florence ADMAX Facility.

The original trial was awash with gross prosecutorial and judicial misconduct and the presiding Judge C. Ashley Royal had a conflict of interest. 3 years prior to 2002 in 1999 Judge C. Ashley Royal  State Bar # 617350 was the attorney for Oconee Regional Medical Centre fighting against Dr. Malachi Z. York’s family and lost, (Case# 98CV34669C). However, he did not recuse himself from Dr. Malachi Z. York’s trial, which concluded in 2004. In addition, there were a number of recants (https://youtu.be/9GA_V9ZRxDA ) from key prosecution witnesses. Alongside those were, violations of Diplomatic Immunity Status (Consul General and Diplomat D/P#: 003828-04 for the Republic of Liberia. Incredibly, Dr Malachi York was still given an outrageous sentence of 135 years in one of the United State’s most secure penitentiaries. To compound his unfortunate plight, Dr. Malachi Z. York suffers from a life-threatening illness, Angioedema, and the medical treatment he is receiving at the USP Florence, ADX Facility is grossly inadequate. The suffering he is having to endure is unimaginable for somebody in their prime years, let alone for a 75 year old man managing the usual ailments that come with old age and being subjected to the harsh and inhumane conditions of solitary confinement. Suspiciously, the court transcripts were sealed, but a little honest and  diligent research reveals Dr. Malachi Z. York’s innocence. learn more about this case at https://www.freedryork.com/. This must all come to light for the world to see. Dr. Malachi Z. York’s suffering must end and repatriation swiftly secured. This case and it’s judicial errors must be remedied if the justice system is to keep an ounce of integrity on which it was built.

Calling all decent and concerned people to share this far and wide. With an act of kindness, help to free an innocent man who was wrongly accused, wrongly convicted and wrongly incarcerated. Get in touch researchers@dryorklegalfacts.com

In the spirit of truth and justice.

 Spread this far and wide!!!