Milk Thistle Uses: Liver, Longevity Tonics, Alcoholism, Addictions, Cirrhosis, Candida, Increase flow of milk in nursing mothers, Hepatitis B, Varicose Ulcer (Powderd seeds locally) Inflammation of Gall Badder and duct, Food Allergy, Pre menstrual Tension, Mushroom Poisoning, Lower Blood Fats, Hypertensive

Properties: Bitter, Antidepressant, Antioxidant, Detoxifier, Antiviral, Fatty Acids, Vitamin E

Parts Used: Ripe Seeds, Leaves

Preparations: Quarter to a half a teaspoon to each cup boiling water, infuse for 15 minutes. Dose- Quater to half a cup x3 daily. Capsules 100mg